Our fundraiser goal at the dinner dance event October 16th is to raise between $12,000-$15,000 to build a much needed hay barn prior to the rainy season.
We have made it possible to donate/sponsor in several ways:
1). Sponsorship that goes directly to the Hay Barn Fund -
A Bronze plaque engraved with Sponsors name(s) will be placed on the Hay
Barn at the time of the Hay Barn Dedication ceremony followed by a lunch and
tour of the Ranch and Horses for sponsors and their guest(s).
Levels of Sponsorship:
Alfalfa Sponsors: $250
Bermuda Sponsors : $500
Timothy Sponsors : $750
Orchard Sponsors : $1000
3-Way Sponsors : $1500
2). Event Sponsorship levels (strictly for the event)
Foal Level: $250 (includes 1 ticket to event)
Weanling Level: $400 (includes 2 tickets to event)
Pony Level: $500 (includes 2 tickets to event plus 24 raffle tickets)
Mare Level: $750 (includes 4 tickets to event plus 24 raffle tickets)
Stallion Level: $1000 (includes 6 tickets to the event)
Winners Circle Level: $1500 (includes 1 table = 10 tickets to the event)
If you have decided on the level of sponsorship you would like please send a note along with a check made out to "FalconRidge Equine Rescue, Inc" and send to:
FalconRidge Fundraiser
C/O Judie Green
29115 Valley Center Road #K182
Valley Center, CA
Thank you,
Judie Green
760-260-8130 xt #101