It has been a busy week here at FalconRidge. On Thursday, Dr. Jeff Moss came and castrated five stallions. Santiago, Emperor,Pharoh, Khan and Frodo are now nice geldings and gentlemen with no complications. We had 7 volunteers here helping during the day so it all went smoothly. Emperor and Pharoh are adopted to a wonderful couple from Fallbrook and they are coming and working with them for some training prior to bringing them home.
Aramus was also adopted to a super family and will be mainly a pet and do a little big of trail riding. He is in Temecula.
Silfur, the icelandic pony with damaged hock we got from the Icelandic Rehoming Project has been adopted by Bobbi Brinks, founder of Lions Tigers and Bears in Alpine, CA. She was delivered Monday and will be a companion to their mini donk Jack and in their education center for children where she will be petted upon by lots of school kids who visit the sanctuary.
We were also contacted by another sanctuary in Riverside County whose founder would like to retire and would like us to take over her sanctuary or merge with ours so that the animals are taken care of. We have visited her facility and are working on possible solutions for her and the animals and we just might merge. It will be a long range plan.
On Monday we took Zeus and Buddy to Valle Vista Retirement home in Escondido along with Ina of Escondido Humane Society and her dog Sonny, for pet therapy for the residents. Zeus was fantastic and naturally meant to do this type of work. Peg Wozniak handled him and did a wonderful job taking him around to all the residents who were in a big circle in the room. Buddy was more nervous so David held him in the center of the room. Everyone was very excited and enjoyed seeing the horses so much. Zeus nuzzled each person he went to by wiggling his nose on them. Zeus and team are booked up for months with the Escondido Humane Society to do pet therapy visitations as well as going to schools.
Amazingly, the lump on Sassys jaw is slowly going away. I took a picture of it on Thursday and compared it to when she arrived when Dr. Moss had biopsied it, thinking it could be juvenile ossifying fibroma, which would grow. We are very happy seeing it go's just a miracle.
Our fundraiser dinner dance at the Valley Center Community Center is this Saturday Night! Hope to see you all there! It will be a blast and we hope to raise 12-15,000 to build a cover over the hay so it can all stay dry during the rains. A great need. Lots of door prizes, super raffle items and silent auction items all through the night. Everyone gets a gift bag and professional photo too so come on out and have some fun with us celebrating and help the horses!
We still have many horses needing homes. Maverick, Snowbell, Blaze, Santiago, Khan, Mingo, Breeze, Nemo, Tuxedo, Princess...all want to be home with their family. Please help them make their dreams come true.
Helping others...what this journey called life is all about.