On Saturday evening I drove up to Mira Loma, CA to attend the monthly Mikes Auction, an auction frequented by kill buyers who purchase many horses, most of those who are not bid on. I met up with Caroline Betts of Southern California Thoroughbred Rescue and we viewed the horses outside prior to the sale. There was one horse with a gash above its right eye which needed stitches and it was moved out back. One small pony mare was older and a little thin, the other horses were of good weight. I saw a black quarterhorse 2 yr old stallion with severe saddle sores on its back. I bid on him and got him for $130. I also bid on a grey 2 yr old qh stallion and got him for $200. Caroline tried to save a TB mare but the auctioneer ran up the price and said she was sold to the killer. Some nice riding horses there, going for 200-400. Highest price was 1000 but most of the 65 horses were near the 200 range. All the minis sold for 250-450, more than the large horses. This auction and Euclid Auction need more regular folks to attend and buy horses. Many of the horses bought there will be charroed or most likely not treated fairly or humanely. David and I picked up our two stallions on Sunday and found the black had sliders on, and rope burns to his hind pasterns. He had been ridden hard and he is only two. The grey is sweet and quiet and both are very nice. They were put in the quarentine pen, fed and watered. I whispered to them they are safe...and home...and very very lucky.
Save an auction horse today, you won't regret it!
Please consider donating to help us help these boys today. Funds are needed for their vet visit and castrations. Every dollar helps and will go directly to help these gorgeous young stallions who were saved from a most likely unfortunate fate.