I received this message from Meredith, the adopter of Pokey the Donkey and previous adopter of horses Spirit and Treasure. Meredith's husband had surprised her with Pokey for her birthday.
"Hi Nicki,
Pokey was castrated almost 2 weeks ago now. I think he'll be fully healed this week. He's doing well. We just love him. He brays really loud, especially early in the morning when it's just about feeding time. :) I worried that our neighbors wouldn't appreciate it, but yesterday I was taking Pokey for a walk and my neighbor came out, pushing her 18 year old son in his wheelchair. He is severely handicapped, can't walk or talk. She asked if he could feed Pokey a carrot so I walked over to them and Pokey (of course loved the carrot) gently nuzzled and breathed on her son's hand and feet. Her son let out squeals of joy and had the biggest smile on his face. It was precious. My neighbor continued to tell me that every morning when she is getting her son ready for school, and he hears Pokey bray, he starts laughing so hard. He just lights up at the sound of Pokey. They even recorded him braying so their son could take the recording to school with him and all of his classmates love it too. Pokey is a therapy donkey!! :)