What a great year 2010 was. Although the economy has hit everyone hard, we were able to bring 73 horses into the rescue by New Years Eve 2010, and adopt out 70. If you add the Icelandic Rehoming Project horses we placed from Solvang, California, then we rescued a total of 104 horses and placed 101 in loving adoptive homes with contracts.
A big thanks to all our wonderful volunteers here who helped make that possible! Getting the word out about our super horses has also been key to our success. Thank you for telling friends and family about us who enquire about horses. This year we applied for accreditation through GFAS, the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries,a process for only the best equine rescues to be verified and ensures donators are giving to legitamate organizations. We have been working with other rescues to assist horses in need and networking. Given the volume of horses at risk due to people losing homes and jobs, this is vital. Facebook has been a great source for helping place horses. We are a member of the San Diego Equine Coalition, a group of three other rescues, veterinarians, and local animal welfare officials to assist horses in our county and people in need through a generous grant by the ASPCA.
We recently put up our new medical mare motel and in October held our successful fundraiser dinner dance. We have a new newsletter coming out right now, and also our FalconRidge 2011 Dayplanners are available, http://www.lifephoto.com/Product/ProductTemplatePreview.aspx?ProjectId=17687, which feature the horses of FalconRidge and those adopted from here and help support the rescue. We also have decorative horseshoes by Katy, which make great gifts or for home and help with our huge feed and vet bills, http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=100001791090246&v=wall.
We have had our horses on TV for the morning news on channels 6 and 51 as adoptable pets of the day. We also partnered this year with Escondido Humane Society to take Zeus, our Pet Therapy miniature horse, to nursing homes and schools in Escondido to spread the word about proper horse care. We have rescued so many horses from different situations this year. Ruffin was a thoroughbred rescued straight from Hollywood Park. Nick and Nora from LA. The Keebler Elf herd! Panda, Smoke, Red Wagon, Sage, Chief, Christmas and more! So many lives helped and in need.
Our vision and message has always been that horses should be a part of your family and stay with you for life. They are wonderful pets and also do NOT have to be rideable. Horses give love and happiness to their owner like no other being can. They are incredibly intuitive and wonderful for improving your life as well as your family. They are special and lucky to have. Open up your heart to one and you will never regret it. Please consider helping us help the horses this year. Adopt or donate now. We continue to improve, get better and do more...for the horses!
Thank you!
Nicki & the Horses of FalconRidge